Irreal: Organizing A Book In Org Mode

Somehow, I missed this great reference to Ron Galloway’s outline for using Org mode to organize a book. Fortunately, Sacha had me covered with her excellent Emacs News.

If you haven’t written a book before, it may be surprising how necessary Galloway’s template is for the actual mechanics of writing a book. Even if you’re organized and divide your book into a main file and separate files for each chapter, you’ll soon discover that you want some place to put notes, log your progress, track your references, and brainstorm ideas.

Every author solves these problems in different ways with different file structures but Org is especially amenable to providing a useful framework for organizing these things.

I wrote my books before I discovered Org mode—or perhaps before it existed—but my structure was essentially the same. The nice thing about Org is that you can access—and work on—all those files from a single top level file.

If you’re writing or considering writing a book, take a look at Galloway’s outline. It’s an excellent starting point for our own project.

-1:-- Organizing A Book In Org Mode (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 15, 2024 04:35 PM

Sacha Chua: Change Org Mode TODO keyword color based on the state and the current Modus theme

I use modus-theme-toggle to switch between modus-vivendi-tinted and modus-operandi-tinted depending on whether I want a dark background or a light one. I also customize my org-todo-keyword-faces to visually distinguish TODO, DONE, WAITING, and SOMEDAY. This is how to colour them based on the current Modus theme.

(defun my-org-todo-set-keyword-faces ()
  (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
        `(("TODO" . (:foreground ,(modus-themes-get-color-value 'blue-warmer) :weight bold))
          ("DONE" . (:foreground ,(modus-themes-get-color-value 'green-warmer) :weight bold))
          ("WAITING" . (:foreground ,(modus-themes-get-color-value 'red-warmer) :weight bold))
          ("SOMEDAY" . (:foreground ,(modus-themes-get-color-value 'fg-dim) :weight bold))))
  (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(with-eval-after-load 'modus-themes
  (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-org-todo-set-keyword-faces))
Figure 1: Light background
Figure 2: Dark background
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
View org source for this post
-1:-- Change Org Mode TODO keyword color based on the state and the current Modus theme (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--October 14, 2024 09:02 PM

Alex Schroeder: 2024-09-18 Emacs Wiki and China

2024-09-18 Emacs Wiki and China

2024-09-14. I’m somewhere in the Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland with my wife. There is a lot of running, hiking, hugging, kissing, eating and drinking involved. 🥰

2024-09-15. Still on the trip but late at night I spent more than an hour trying to figure out why my server had a load of nearly 40. 💻

All I discovered is that load went down when I shut down Emacs Wiki. See also 2024-09-16 on Emacs Wiki.

Well, I needed to sleep and I’ve got plans for the next few days so I shut it down while I slept hoping that the misconfigured spider is fixed or the inept programmer discovers their mistake. Just another day in the Butlerian Jihad. Some misguided soul probably wanted to download it all and wrote a broken web crawler and when that got blocked they bought some nice scaling infrastructure from Amazon, Hetzner, OHV or Alibaba Cloud or whatever they are called, allowing them to use a gazillion different IP numbers that will eventually lead me to implement some sort of cloud service provider block.

Load shoots up to nearly 40 around midnight. The graph is for an entire week so the peaks are not shown. It just goes up to 30 multiple times.

2024-09-16. Switched Emacs Wiki back on after a few hours of sleep and it did fine. But then it restarted again… at 18:00, 19:00, 21:00, 22:00… and so I switched Emacs Wiki off again. Time to ban some networks!

Anybody interested in my banning of IP ranges and possibly interested in me reverting any of these, take a look at ban-cidr … from a network that isn’t banned, I guess. 😏

2024-09-17. This continues to keep me busy and angry every evening. Too bad I don’t have a real fast network-lookup to firewall ban pipeline. I’m using this script instead of carefully checking IP numbers and networks. I’m also sick and tired of the same networks popping up again and again.

I added over a hundred Chinese networks to the firewall rules and I’m seriously considering blocking the whole country for a week. It seems that most of the offenders are networks run by China Telecoms and China Mobile.

2024-09-18. So far, so good. Load stays below two.

Here’s example usage for network-lookup, filtering for Emacs Wiki and a URL parameter used when requesting recent changes or a RSS feed for a single page only. That would count as suspicious misbehaving crawler behaviour in my book.

Made 16 DNS requests.
4 cache hits.
Range Hits Org 3 Google LLC / GOOGL-2 3 UNICOM-HL / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network 1 CHINANET-GD / China Telecom 1 China Unicom Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD 1 China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP 1 UNICOM-SH / China Unicom Shanghai Province Network 1 Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile 1 China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation 1 UNICOM-GDSZ / China Unicom 1 China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET 1 CHINANET-ZJ-WZ / Zhejiang Telecom 1 CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / Internet Service Provider in China 1 CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100088 1 ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation 1 CNCGROUP-FJ-XIAMEN-MAN / CNCGroup CHINA169 FuJian province network 1 CHINANET-GD / China Telecom Google LLC / GOOGL-2 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:12 +0200 | GET /cgi-bin/emacs?action=rss;rcidonly=RssExclude;days=1;all=1;showedit=1;full=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:12 +0200 | GET /cgi-bin/emacs?action=rss;rcidonly=RssExclude;days=1;all=1;showedit=1;full=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:12 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rss;rcidonly=RssExclude;days=1;all=1;showedit=1;full=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist UNICOM-HL / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:11 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=14&rcidonly=tzhelp.el&showedit=0 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 ADG/11.0.2566 AOLBUILD/11.0.2566 Safari/537.36 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:16 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=7&rcidonly=WriteRoom&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Brave Chrome/88.0.4324.152 Safari/537.36 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:21 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1&rcidonly=screen-term.el&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.63 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CHINANET-GD / China Telecom | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:27 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1&rcidonly=SyncBBDB&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist China Unicom Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:17 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=1&rcidonly=FinderMode&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:50 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=28&rcidonly=DiredPlusMarkMenu&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist UNICOM-SH / China Unicom Shanghai Province Network | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:39 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1726266329&rcidonly=etagsselect&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:28 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rss&all=1&days=14&rcidonly=BufferMenuPlus&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Brave Chrome/81.0.4044.122 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:00 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1&rcidonly=orgfold-separate-file.el&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist UNICOM-GDSZ / China Unicom | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:57 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1723764629&rcidonly=AnselmHelbig&showedit=1&upto=1724974229 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:28 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=0&days=14&rcidonly=RubyEvalRegion&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.89 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CHINANET-ZJ-WZ / Zhejiang Telecom | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:55 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1726412272&rcidonly=AnilTappetla&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / Internet Service Provider in China | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:28 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=7&rcidonly=CarlMikkelsen&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100088 | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:57 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1&rcidonly=AnIntroductionToTheEmacsEditor&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:43 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1726333566&rcidonly=iclects_-_search_search_commands,_overview&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.9999.0 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CNCGROUP-FJ-XIAMEN-MAN / CNCGroup CHINA169 FuJian province network | | 18/Sep/2024:18:01:57 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&from=1&rcidonly=DiredPlusPopupRegionRemoveRectMenu&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Brave Chrome/88.0.4324.152 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist CHINANET-GD / China Telecom | | 18/Sep/2024:18:02:11 +0200 | GET /emacs?action=rc&all=1&days=1&rcidonly=Categor%C3%ADaHerramientasOnline&showedit=1 HTTP/1.1 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36
ipset add banlist

As far as I am concerned, all deserve to be banned. Over-banning? Maybe. What do you think?

For demonstration purposes, this is what I ran:

ssh sibirocobombus.root grep '"^*rcidonly"' /var/log
/apache2/access.log \
| tail -n 20 \
| ssh sibirocobombus.root bin/admin/network-lookup \
| wl-copy

So now I’m ready to ban them all:

wl-paste | grep ipset

#Emacs #Butlerian Jihad #Administration

2024-10-01. Today I came back to the server with load at 40. Again! Here’s me filtering the log for requests that got a server error status code (500–509).

root@sibirocobombus ~# tail -n 20000 /var/log/apache2/access.log \
| grep -v ^social \
| grep " 50[0-9] " \
| tail -n 50 \
| bin/admin/network-lookup
Made 44 DNS requests.
6 cache hits.

I think the only one I didn’t ban was the unknown one, Gwene and Bing (Microsoft).

Range Hits Org 3 UNICOM-HL / China Unicom Heilongjiang Province Network 3 UNICOM-HL / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network 2 China Unicom CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD 2 China Mobile / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP
unknown 2 ? 1 China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP 1 China Telecom / CHINANET-CQ 1 CNC Group CHINA169 Guangdong Province Network / UNICOM-GD 1 China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP 1 CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile 1 China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile 1 China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation 1 CHINANET-SD / Beijing 100032 1 UNICOM-HB / China Unicom Hubei Province Network 1 CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL 1 CHINANET-JS / Beijing 100032 1 China Unicom / UNICOM-SH 1 UNICOM-SD / CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network 1 China Telecom / CHINANET-HB 1 UNICOM-HA / CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network 1 CHINANET-HL / NO.178 Zhongshan Road,Haerbin,Heilongjiang 150040 1 SCN / China Unicom China169 Network 1 Microsoft Corporation / MSFT-GFS 1 Transferred to the RIPE region on 2018-08-28T00:42:30Z. / STUB-116-202SLASH15 1 CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile 1 China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP 1 CNC Group CHINA169 Jilin Province Network / UNICOM-JL 1 UNICOM-CQ / China Unicom Chongqing Province Network 1 Hurricane Electric LLC / HURRICANE-4 1 China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP 1 ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile 1 CHINANET-CQ / China Telecom 1 UNICOM-HL / China Unicom Heilongjiang Province Network 1 China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP 1 UNICOM-GD / China Unicom Guangdong Province Network 1 China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET 1 CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD 1 Fujian Province / QZCABID-QZ-FJ 1 UNICOM-HA / CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network 1 China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation 1 UNICOM-HB / CNCGroup HuBei province network 1 China Unicom / UNICOM-SH 1 JCOM-NET / Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Load is now at around 31.

2024-10-01. Getting lazier… Pick a suspicious pattern and check for China…

root@sibirocobombus ~# tail -n 500 /var/log/apache2/access.log \
 | grep -v ^social \
 | grep "action=browse&id=" \
 | tail -n 50 \
 | bin/admin/network-lookup > result.log
root@sibirocobombus ~# grep ipset result.log 
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HB / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM / China Unicom CHINA169 Network
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-JL / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # shanxi telecom linfen branch ip node links to customer ip address / sxlfbas
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100088 / CHINANET-HB
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # NO.178 Zhongshan Road,Haerbin,Heilongjiang 150040 / CHINANET-HL
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-TZ / Zhejiang Telecom
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # From Shanxi(CHINANET-SN) Network of ChinaTelecom / CHINANET-SN
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SD / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-GD / China Unicom CHINA169 Guangdong Province Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-CQ / CNC Group CHINA169 Chongqing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HA / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-FJ-QUANZHOU-MAN / China Unicom Fujian Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SD / CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Hubei Province Network / UNICOM-HB
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET henan province network / CHINANET-HA
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network / UNICOM-HA
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GD / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HB / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100088 / CHINANET-SC
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-FJ
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-JS / China Unicom Jiangsu Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SC / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HE / CNC Group CHINA169 Hebei Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM / Beijing 100140 ,P.R.China
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-JL / CNC Group CHINA169 Jilin Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Guangdong Province Network / UNICOM-GDDG
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-JS / China Unicom Jiangsu Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-TJ / CNC Group CHINA169 Tianjin Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-CQ / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-JS
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Shanxi Province Network / sxyc-yongji-BAS
ipset add banlist # No.999,Shunhua road,Jinan,Shandong / CHINANET-SD
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-ZJ
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # GZPRBNET / GuangDong, China 510010
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-FJ / 7,East Street ,Fuzhou ,Fujian ,PRC
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SD / CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-HE
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-BJ / CHINANET Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HL / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-WZ / Zhejiang Telecom
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-GD / CNC Group CHINA169 Guangdong Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Unicom / GuangZhou-unicom
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-HB
ipset add banlist # CMNET-shanghai / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-CN / CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SN / Beijing 100032

2024-10-02. The situation is under control again, but since I’m vindictive, I’ll block some more.

tail -n 500 /var/log/apache2/access.log \
 | grep -v ^social \
 | grep "rcidonly=" \
 | tail -n 50 \
 | bin/admin/network-lookup > result.log
grep ipset result.log
ipset add banlist # CNCGROUP-HE / China Unicom Hebei Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-TZ / Zhejiang Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HL / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CNCGROUP-FJ-XIAMEN-MAN / CNCGroup FuJian province network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET-shanghai
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HA / CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-HB
ipset add banlist # Addresses from APNIC / UNICOM-SH
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # Huawei-Cloud-SG / HUAWEI INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD.
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100088 / CHINANET-SN
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-HN
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-JS / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # NO.178 Zhongshan Road,Haerbin,Heilongjiang 150040 / CHINANET-HL
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-ZJ / China Unicom Zhejiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-YN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Network / UNICOM
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ

2024-10-10. Load is at 30 again. Another round!

ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GD / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-JS / China Unicom Jiangsu Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Unicom CHINA169 Network / UNICOM
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Henan Province Network / UNICOM-HA
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SH / Addresses from APNIC
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-AH / China Unicom Anhui Province Network
ipset add banlist # YINXIAN-MINGHUI-LTD / Ningbo Minghui International Trade Co.,Ltd
ipset add banlist # NO.178 Zhongshan Road,Haerbin,Heilongjiang 150040 / CHINANET-HL
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / CMNET
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HL / NO.178 Zhongshan Road,Haerbin,Heilongjiang 150040
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD
ipset add banlist # CMNET-fujian / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Shanghai Province Network / UNICOM-SH
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SD
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-ZJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-AH / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # CHINANET Yunnan province network / CHINANET-YN
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Tianjin Province Network / UNICOM-TJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SH / China Unicom Shanghai Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHANGZHOU-Xinhua-bookshop-CORP / Jiangsu Province
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile

Munin showing system load. Another surge started at 6 in the morning.

2024-10-14. Here we go again.

Load going up to 30 and more.

Same procedure as every week.

tail -n 500 /var/log/apache2/access.log \
 | grep -v ^social \
 | grep "rcidonly" \
 | tail -n 100 \
 | bin/admin/network-lookup > result.log

Then look at the list, append it to ban-cidr, pipe it to the shell, and post it here for all to see.

ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-HE
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Unicom China169 Network / UNICOM-HE
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GX
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HN / China Unicom CHINA169 Hunan Province Network
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HA / CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-JS / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-CQ / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-BJ / CHINANET Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-GD / China Unicom Guangdong Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-FJ / 7,East Street ,Fuzhou ,Fujian ,PRC
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET-shanghai
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-GD / China Unicom Guangdong Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HE / CNC Group CHINA169 Hebei Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # Huawei-Cloud-Singapore / HUAWEI INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD.
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-HN
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / UNICOM-SD
ipset add banlist # BY-TEL-BUREAU / CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-AH
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GD / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Guangdong Province Network / UNICOM-GD
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-LN / China Unicom Liaoning Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-LN / CNC Group CHINA169 Liaoning Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network / UNICOM-HA
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-WZ / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-YN
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HA / CHINANET henan province network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100088 / CHINANET-JS
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SD / No.999,Shunhua road,Jinan,Shandong
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Hebei Province Network / UNICOM-HE
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Henan Province Network / UNICOM-HA

And again. Oops, and Google got caught up in it. They are probably following all the per-page RSS feeds again. Oh well.

ipset add banlist # GOOGL-2 / Google LLC
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-AH
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SN
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Jiangsu Province Network / UNICOM-JS
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET-shanghai / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GS
ipset add banlist # CERNET / NJR-CERNET
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-LN / CNC Group CHINA169 Liaoning Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-YN
ipset add banlist # CNIC-CAS / Route origin from CSTNET / ORG-CA107-AP / CSTNET-CN
ipset add banlist # No.1 Gaojiayuan,Xicheng District,Beijing,China / RITELE
ipset add banlist # China Unicom CHINA169 Network / UNICOM
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HN / China Unicom Hunan Province Network
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Chongqing Province Network / UNICOM-CQ
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-HN
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Liaoning Province Network / UNICOM-LN
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SC / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China United Telecommunications Corporation / UNICOM
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # No.999,Shunhua road,Jinan,Shandong / CHINANET-SD
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Jilin Province Network / UNICOM-JL
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # 7,East Street ,Fuzhou ,Fujian ,PRC / CHINANET-FJ
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET-heilongjiang / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SC / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-JX / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # FAW / Addresses from APNIC(FAW)
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CMNET-shanghai / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Liaoning Province Network / UNICOM-LN
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # HUAWEI INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. / Huawei-SG-Cloud
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GD / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GX / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-WZ / Zhejiang Telecom
ipset add banlist # Chinanet shanghai boardband adsl 081 / CHINANET-SH-BBAD-081
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # NingBoZhongJiQiCheMaoYiYouXian / CNC Group CHINA169 Zhejiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-XJ / Beijing 100088
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HE / China Unicom Hebei Province Network

Load remains between 30 and 35.

And more…

ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # Paris, France / SD-GRA-GRA3-SDAGG33-FAT-MAGGIE-2-2 / ORG-OS3-RIPE / OVH SAS
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-CDMA
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SX / China Unicom shanxi Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-BJ / China Unicom Beijing Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-HB / CNC Group CHINA169 Hubei Province Network
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GX / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Shandong Province Network / JNTIB-IBAR
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Guizhou Province Network / UNICOM-GZ
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-NM
ipset add banlist # CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-JS / CNC Group Jiangsu province network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HB-WH / Chinanet network in Wuhan city Hubei province
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-ZJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-ZJ-NB / Zhejiang Telecom
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Zhejiang Province Network / UNICOM-ZJ
ipset add banlist # IPPOOL / China Unicom CHINA169 Anhui Province Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GX / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Internet Service Provider in China / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-GD
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-SH / CNC Group CHINA169 Shanghai Province Network
ipset add banlist # 97 # Zhongyuan Street, Zhengzhou,henan,China / CHINANET-HA
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China
ipset add banlist # CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HN / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-FJ / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # UNICOM / China Unicom CHINA169 Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GZ / GuiZhou
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HE / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-GZ / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # China Unicom Beijing Province Network / UNICOM-BJ
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SH / Shanghai Telecom
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-HA / Beijing 100032
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # CMNET / Internet Service Provider in China / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP
ipset add banlist # ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile
ipset add banlist # sxyc-209ju-BAS / China Unicom Shanxi Province Network
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CHINANET-SC / China Telecom
ipset add banlist # CNC Group CHINA169 Heilongjiang Province Network / UNICOM-HL
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-LN / CNC Group CHINA169 Liaoning Province Network
ipset add banlist # No.21 Financial Street,Xicheng District, Beijing 100140 ,P.R.China / UNICOM
ipset add banlist # China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-SH
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100088 / CHINANET-GS
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # CMNET-shanghai / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # Beijing 100032 / CHINANET-LN
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # China Telecom / CHINANET-CDMA
ipset add banlist # China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile communications corporation / CMNET
ipset add banlist # Fujian Province / BNTCFD-FZ-FJ
ipset add banlist # ORG-CM1-AP / China Mobile / CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation
ipset add banlist # China Mobile Communications Corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / CMNET / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-ZJ / China Unicom Zhejiang Province Network
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / China Mobile / ORG-CM1-AP
ipset add banlist # CMNET / China Mobile communications corporation / ORG-CMCC1-AP / China Mobile Communications Corporation
ipset add banlist # UNICOM-GD / CNC Group CHINA169 Guangdong Province Network
-1:-- 2024-09-18 Emacs Wiki and China (Post)--L0--C0--October 14, 2024 06:13 PM

Sacha Chua: 2024-10-14 Emacs news

Links from, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Hacker News,,,,,,, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at Thank you!

View org source for this post
-1:-- 2024-10-14 Emacs news (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--October 14, 2024 11:58 AM

Marcin Borkowski: mrr-replace-mode

I have to admit that this is a bit embarrassing. A long time ago I announced a future post (and promised to release my code) for performing multiple regex replacements in a buffer, possibly in an interactive way. A few months later I started my first programming job (yay!) and promptly forgot about it…
-1:-- mrr-replace-mode (Post)--L0--C0--October 14, 2024 11:30 AM

TheMKat: Emacs tip: Use windmove to navigate open buffer windows

Do you also move between your Emacs buffer windows in an ineffective way? Always using C-x o to switch between them after opening several? Or maybe you are using the mouse (ugh)? Did you know that you could navigate to a buffer window in the direction you want, instead of just going randomly to the next one?
-1:-- Emacs tip: Use windmove to navigate open buffer windows (Post)--L0--C0--October 14, 2024 12:00 AM

İsmail Efe: My Design Stack

My Design Stack

İsmail Efe Top


If you are familiar with frontend and backend development, you've likely come across tech stacks. You can think of tech stacks as a list of tools people use to create applications. People can share their stack and others can get inspired or learn about new technologies.

While it is common to find different stacks when working in the programming field. You don't see them utilized in other fields, such as design. Since I picked up a lot of design jobs and create a lot of slides, I wanted to create a design stack and share what I use and how I use them.

I am calling this the PCSG stack. Before I start explaining, I want to go over two things.

  • I am a student on a budget and can't afford multiple subscriptions. I try to unnecessary avoid costs as much as possible, that is why all of my recommendations are free to use.

  • I don't want to steal anyone's hard work. If a recommendation includes user-generated content, it comes with an open commercial license or is public domain.


Photopea is a browser-based photo editor. Coming from Adobe Photoshop, I find it easy to work with, as Photopea draws heavily from Photoshop's interface, shortcuts and features.

Since there is a lot of different options when it comes to photo editors, I want to list the things I like about Photopea:

  • Runs locally in your browser. That means you can open it on almost any device and run it offline.
  • Can open PSD files flawlessly, it also supports a bunch of formats.
  • You can use it for free with ads. -$5 gets you an ad-free experience, 5 GB storage, and some AI credits-
  • Houses almost all of the Google Fonts library. -I will talk about Google Fonts in a sec-
  • It has a large community that offers plenty of tutorials and technical support.


Colorhunt is a website that hosts curated color palettes. I use this website very often; you can search for specific color palettes, sort by popularity, and add palettes to your collection.

Colorhunt comes in handy when I have to quickly select a contrasting color scheme for a slide or when I need inspiration for a project.

SVG Repo

I think I speak for all designers when I say SVGs are awesome! If you don't know what an SVG is, I recommend this video, as it does a great job of explaining.

SVG Repo is a wonderful way to get SVGs. It houses "500.000+ Open-licensed SVG Vector and Icons" and comes in handy A LOT when doing design work.

Most of them have licenses that enable you to use them however you want. I generally make use of SVGs in slides, posters, social media contents, and websites.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts is one of my favorite sites to use. It houses more than a thousand fonts, and all of them have open licenses. All the fonts hosted have unique personalities, and you can easily find one that suits your needs.

For example, my website mainly uses EB Garamond and Gentium Plus, which I found and got from Google Fonts.

Google Fonts also has wonderful articles that teach you how to select fonts, where to use them, and how to use them. These articles are a must-read for any designer.

If you are a webmaster, you can use Google Fonts on your websites without downloading or hosting anything. This can be achieved by getting embed links for the fonts you want to use and importing them with just one line of CSS.


Accessibility is something I deeply care about. A lot of my design work comes in the form of web design. For more people to have the ability to view my website comfortably, I need to be operating within the W3 contrast standards. I use 2 sites for checking whether I am following this standard or not.

First is Colour contrast checker, this site lets me check the AA and the AAA value. If my color combination doesn't pass, I proceed to use the second site.

Second is Contrast Finder, this site helps me find a color that both passes the standard and is similar to my original color using an algorithm.

Closing Words

Thanks a lot for reading about my easy to incorporate but horribly named design stack.

I don't do any video, 3D, or professional vector work. That's why my flow might be lacking in these and some other areas, but I am sure that you can find something valuable to add into your own workflow.

If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to reach through my email.

-1:-- My Design Stack (Post İsmail Efe Top ( 12, 2024 09:00 PM

Chris Maiorana: Second Brain, Second Nature

I finally got around to reading the big Zettelkasten book: How To Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning, and Thinking. The title alone makes you want to stand up and say, “Bravo!”

Here are some thoughts.

The Zettelkasten method is not a perfect catch-all tool for everyone.

This system is best intended for academics, particularly those in theoretical fields, academics whose chief output depends upon synthesizing new ideas from the thoughts and writings of others in their field. (This makes sense because the system’s inventor was a sociologist.)

Or, if you’re a casual writer writing about philosophy, history, literature, etc., this might help you take better notes.

I like how the system is focused on writing as a core discipline. The idea behind the system is to improve one’s writing by developing expertise in one’s chosen area of inquiry.

But I haven’t fully invested in the Zettelkasten hype. I’m not convinced that “those who take smart notes will never have the problem of a blank screen again.”

That’s a big promise, and I don’t think any notation system could deliver on it.

One of the big takeaways for me, which seems obvious when you think about it, is that all your notes should follow the same pattern. Meaning, don’t take hierarchical notes. For example, if you’re using text files, just put all of them in the same folder with some unique identifier on each file. (How you choose to parse these notes and organize them is up to you.)

But look around at how many software packages we have to choose from if we want to give Zettelkasten a try. Here’s just a short list:

  • Obsidian
  • Logseq
  • Roam Research
  • Org-roam (Emacs)
  • Denote (Emacs)

I’ve tried all of these.

The problem with many of these software implementations is that they have a plurality of features that complicate more than illuminate.

Denote is my favorite, because it is the most minimalist. However, I don’t like how it relies so heavily on tags. I don’t like tags. Tags are friction.

The best advice I could give anyone who is Zettelkasten-curious is just build your own system. Naturally, I think Emacs is the best canvas to start building on.

However, if you want to try something today, Obsidian seems to have the smallest learning curve. But why you’d ever need that massive graph view of hyperlinks, I just don’t know.

-1:-- Second Brain, Second Nature (Post chris)--L0--C0--October 12, 2024 08:44 PM

James Cherti: Emacs: Automating Table of Contents Update for Markdown Documents (e.g.,

When working with markdown files in Emacs (e.g.,, users may need to manually update the table of contents. Automating this process saves time and ensures that the table of contents remains consistent with the document structure. This article presents an Emacs Lisp code snippet that uses:

  • The markdown-toc package to automatically generate or refresh a table of contents,
  • A custom function (my-markdown-toc-gen-if-present) that runs before markdown files are saved. It performs the following actions:
    • Updates the table of contents if one is already present.
    • Ensures that both the window start and cursor position remain unchanged, addressing a common issue with the markdown-toc package, which can disrupt the editing flow by moving the cursor and/or changing the window start. This behavior can be frustrating, as it interrupts the user’s focus and requires them to navigate back to their original position.

The code snippet that updates the table of contents and ensures that the cursor and window start remain unchanged

The following code snippet updates the table of contents while ensuring that the cursor and window start remain unchanged:

(The table of contents will be updated only if it is already present, so it is necessary to generate it at least once using the (markdown-toc-generate-toc) function. Additionally, ensure that the markdown-mode Emacs package is installed.)

;; Author: James Cherti
;; URL:
;; License: MIT

;; Configure the markdown-toc package
(use-package markdown-toc
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :commands (markdown-toc-generate-toc

;; The following functions and hooks guarantee that any existing table of
;; contents remains current whenever changes are made to the markdown file,
;; while also ensuring that both the window start and cursor position remain
;; unchanged.
(defun my-markdown-toc-gen-if-present ()
  "Generate a table of contents if it is already present."
  (let ((marker (point-marker))
           (count-screen-lines (window-start) (point)))))
        (when (markdown-toc--toc-already-present-p)
        (goto-char (marker-position marker))
        (when (> current-visual-line 0)
          (let ((window-start (save-excursion
                                (let ((line-move-visual t)
                                      (line-move-ignore-invisible nil))
                                  (line-move (* -1 current-visual-line)))
            (set-window-start (selected-window) window-start)))))))

(defun my-setup-markdown-toc ()
  "Setup the markdown-toc package."
  (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'my-markdown-toc-gen-if-present nil t))

(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook #'my-setup-markdown-toc)
(add-hook 'markdown-ts-mode-hook #'my-setup-markdown-toc)
(add-hook 'gfm-mode-hook #'my-setup-markdown-toc)

The above code snippet leverages the markdown-toc Emacs package to automate the generation of a table of contents within markdown documents. This package includes functions such as markdown-toc-generate-toc and markdown-toc-generate-or-refresh-toc, which facilitate the creation and updating of the table of contents as needed.

I implemented the my-setup-markdown-toc function to establish a hook that triggers my-markdown-toc-gen-if-present each time a markdown buffer is saved. This function guarantees that any existing table of contents remains current whenever changes are made to the markdown file, while also ensuring that both the window start and cursor position remain unchanged.

Requirement: Markdown Mode Setup

The table of contents update code snippet above will only function correctly only if the markdown-mode package is installed:

(use-package markdown-mode
  :ensure t
  :defer t
  :commands (gfm-mode gfm-view-mode markdown-mode markdown-view-mode)
  :mode (("\\.markdown\\'" . markdown-mode)
         ("\\.md\\'"       . markdown-mode)
         ("README\\.md\\'" . gfm-mode))) 


The my-markdown-toc-gen-if-present function automates the generation of a table of contents, ensuring that markdown documents consistently remain up-to-date with minimal effort.

-1:-- Emacs: Automating Table of Contents Update for Markdown Documents (e.g., (Post James Cherti)--L0--C0--October 12, 2024 12:19 PM

Emacs APAC: Announcing Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, Saturday, October 26, 2024

This month’s Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2024 with BigBlueButton and #emacs on Libera Chat IRC. The timing will be 1400 to 1500 IST. The meetup might get extended by 30 minutes if there is any talk, this page will be updated accordingly. If you would like to give a demo or talk (maximum 20 minutes) on GNU Emacs or any variant, please contact bhavin192 on Libera Chat with your talk details:
-1:-- Announcing Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, Saturday, October 26, 2024 (Post)--L0--C0--October 12, 2024 12:02 AM

James Dyer: Simple Directory and File Creation Using Vertico Completion Exit With Input

In my previous post about creating simple functions to create a new directory and file in dired, I received an interesting comment suggesting another way to bypass the potential messiness of completion and pass through the literal text input.

My last post :

Simple Directory and File Creation in Dired

It is a subtlety of most if not all completion systems, and that is to exit with any input, hence exiting without having to necessarily match and complete.

Given this, and given that I’m using the completion framework of vertico, I thought I would revisit the vertico github manual :

and I find :

M-RET -> vertico-exit-input

vertico-exit-input exits with the minibuffer input instead. Exiting with the current input is needed when you want to create a new buffer or a new file with find-file or switch-to-buffer. As an alternative to pressing M-RET, move the selection up to the input prompt by pressing the up arrow key and then press RET.

Well this is exactly the issue I was having and why I wrote my two little simple functions. Now if I build in M-RET into my muscle memory (which already seems pretty natural), I can refine my Emacs init, while adhering more to vanilla Emacs concepts. Also as I now am being more idiomatic, I suspect the M-RET keybinding may just come in handy at some point in the future.

So, now rebinding dired-mode-map as follows:

("_" . dired-create-empty-file)

This is all that is required; note that dired-create-directory is already bound to my preferred keybinding.

So continues the evolution of my Emacs understanding!

As a side-ish note, I have found that writing this blog provides not only an opportunity to explore a topic further and thoroughly understand it, thereby enabling me to articulate the subject fully, but also to receive comments and discover subtle nuances that I hadn’t realized existed or hadn’t thought to explore!

-1:-- Simple Directory and File Creation Using Vertico Completion Exit With Input (Post James Dyer)--L0--C0--October 09, 2024 07:30 PM

Irreal: Writing With Emacs Redux

Four years ago I wrote about James Gill’s list of Emacs resources for writers. It was a curated list of resources that addressed writing prose of various sorts with Emacs. In April, I revisited the list. Judging from what I wrote, I had forgotten about my first post.

Now, I’m writing about it again because of Gill’s latest post about the list. In it, he says that surprisingly to him, that repository is the most popular of all his Github repositories. It’s not surprising to me because it’s a really great resource.

What was surprising to me, as I read down the his list, is how any are things that I have written about on Irreal. You may or may not think of that as an indication of quality but one thing for sure, it’s indicative of how interesting they are to me.

Regardless, if you use Emacs to write prose—for a blog, for reports, for articles, or even for books—you should take a look at this list. There’s sure to be something useful to you in it.

-1:-- Writing With Emacs Redux (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 09, 2024 03:21 PM

Charles Choi: Referencing Org Table Cells with Text Regions

In a typical spreadsheet app, a common user interface practice is to avoid forcing the user to keep track of cell references as much as possible. This is usually seen in selecting a range of cells to construct a formula, where the user only needs to control the range of selection; the app keeps track of which cell references to pass into the formula.

Sadly, this feature is not available by default in Org tables. But no need to fret; Emacs and Org give you the mechanisms to build a reasonable emulation of spreadsheet-style cell range selection. This post shows you how.

Before going into details, here’s a demo of selecting a row of values and using that selection to compute its sum.

| a | b | c | Total |
| 1 | 5 | 2 |       |
| 3 | 4 | 1 |     8 |
| 8 | 1 | 2 |       |
#+TBLFM: $4=vsum(@3$1..@3$3)

In the example above the following steps are taken:

  1. Place the point in the cell to enter a Calc formula, in this case vsum().
    • Note that vsum here stands for vector sum.
  2. Select a range of cells, typically with a mouse by pointing and dragging.
    • The selection can be either be a region or a region-rectangle.
      • Did you know that C-M-mouse-1 lets you mouse select a rectangle? I didn't until recently 🤯.
  3. Raise a context menu pressing the right mouse button over the selected region.
  4. In the context menu, a menu item showing the selected cell region is displayed (in this case @3$1..@3$3).
    1. Select this menu item to copy the cell references into the kill-ring.
  5. Move the point back to the initial cell in step 1 and yank the cell reference as an argument for vsum().
  6. Press TAB or RET to compute the formula.

Some observations:

  • Throughout this workflow, the user did not need to keep track of cell references.
  • The resultant table formula #+TBLFM: left-hand-side (lhs) is populated with only the column after step 6.
    • The user must amend the lhs to be @3$4 to specify that the formula should only apply to that cell.
    • AMENDED 2024-10-10: A workaround for this leveraging org-table-edit-formulas has been made. Details at end of this post.
  • The table formula can be modified to use relative references at the cost of requiring the user to truly understand Org table reference syntax.
  • Keyboard enthusiasts can use the command cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim to convert a text region into an Org table reference.

Intrigued? Okay, let’s do this.

Org Table Reference Background

First off, let’s understand how Org tables address cells. A table cell is addressed using the following representation:


A row is prefixed with @ whereas a column is prefixed with $. The row specification is placed before the column specification which is opposite of what's seen in conventional spreadsheets and Cartesian coordinates that specify the column first, then the row. Anyways, water under the bridge. With Org tables, it is always row first, column second.

A reference to an individual cell is called a field reference.

A reference to a set of cells is called a range reference. A range reference is constructed from two field references, where a and c are row values, b and d are column values.


Range references are translated into a vector of values that can be fed into Calc vector functions. Typically the two field references in a range reference are either in the same row or column. If not, then the vector of values is constructed using the two field references as a bounding box.

Most importantly, a range reference specifies values in a single vector. The orientation (row or column) of a range reference matters. To clarify, this is best illustrated by example.

#+NAME: vector-example
| a | b | c |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

| Range      | Vector       | Notes                                                  |
| @2$1..@2$3 | [1, 2, 3]    | Cell values taken left to right.                       |
| @2$2..@4$2 | [2, 5, 8]    | Cell values "sliced" wrt column specification.         |
| @3$2..@4$3 | [5, 6, 8, 9] | Cell values taken using the extents as a bounding box. |
#+TBLFM: @2$2=remote(vector-example, @2$1..@2$3)
#+TBLFM: @3$2=remote(vector-example, @2$2..@4$2)
#+TBLFM: @4$2=remote(vector-example, @3$2..@4$3)

Design Requirements

With the background out of the way, let’s put down some requirements.

  1. Given an active region within an Org table, translate it to a range reference with the following specifics:

    1. If the selected region is a single column or row, return a range reference using the mark and point of the region.
    2. If the selected region crosses has multiple rows and columns, then treat the mark and point of the region as the bounding box specification for a matrix represented as a Calc vector of vectors.
    3. If the selected region is a in a single cell, only return the field reference for that cell.
    4. The bounding box calculation is the same regardless if the mark is before or after the point.
  2. Support both a mouse menu and mini-buffer command interface for obtaining an Org table region reference from a selected text region.

As a table is a convenient representation of a matrix, the above requirements makes the design decision to reflect that in mapping a text region having multiple rows and columns to a vector of vectors instead of a single vector.

Show Code

Here’s code that meets the requirements described above. Commands of note:

  1. cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim
  2. cc/mouse-copy-org-table-reference-dwim

Given a point or region (text or rectangle) in an Org table, either of the two commands will create an Org table reference and push it in the kill-ring. The first command is intended to be called from the keyboard, the second from a mouse menu.

;; Org Table Cell Reference Functions

(defun cc/org-table-cell-at-point ()
  "At point, return the cell object from an Org table.

A cell object is defined to be a list containing the row and the
column, successively."
  (if (not (org-at-table-p))
      (error "Not in a table"))

  (let* ((row (org-table-current-dline))
         (col (org-table-current-column)))
    (list row col)))

(defun cc/format-org-table-field-reference (cell)
  "Format CELL object into @r$c format.

CELL object obtained via `cc/org-table-cell-at-point'.

See Info node `(org) References' for more on Org table field
reference format."
  (let ((row (nth 0 cell))
        (col (nth 1 cell)))
    (format "@%d$%d" row col)))

(defun cc/org-table-range ()
  "Return range object from a region defined within an Org table.

A range object is a list of two cells computed via
`cc/org-table-cell-at-point', the first being the cell at the
start of the region and the last being the cell at the end of the
  (if (not (and (org-at-table-p) (use-region-p)))
      (error "Not in an Org table"))

    (let* ((end (cc/org-table-cell-at-point)))
      (let ((start (cc/org-table-cell-at-point)))
        (list start end)))))

(defvar cc/last-org-table-reference nil
  "Last stored Org table reference.

State variable to store an Org table reference (field or range)
to be used in an Org table formula. This variable is set via

NOTE: This state variable to work-around my lack of clarity on
region and mouse menu interaction.")

(defun cc/org-table-reference-dwim ()
  "Org table reference given point or region is defined.

Return Org table reference (field or range) depending on whether
a point or region is defined in an Org table.

If the region is defined over multiple columns, then a Calc
vector matrix is returned. See Info node `(org) Formula syntax
for Calc' for more.

Calling this function will set `cc/last-org-table-reference'.

See Info node `(org) References' for more on Org table field
reference format."
  (if (not (org-at-table-p))
      (error "Not in an Org table"))


    (let* ((range (cc/org-table-range))
           (start (nth 0 range))
           (end (nth 1 range))
           (msg (format "%s..%s"
                        (cc/format-org-table-field-reference start)
                        (cc/format-org-table-field-reference end))))
      (setq cc/last-org-table-reference (cc/org-table-range-to-reference range))

    (let ((msg (cc/format-org-table-field-reference (cc/org-table-cell-at-point))))
      (setq cc/last-org-table-reference msg)

(defun cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim ()
  "Copy Org table reference (field or range) into kill ring.

Given a point or region defined in an Org table, add to the
`kill-ring' an Org table field or range reference.

If the region is defined over multiple columns, then a Calc
vector matrix is returned. See Info node `(org) Formula syntax
for Calc' for more.

If the buffer *Edit Formulas* is available (usually via
`org-table-edit-formulas'), the reference will be inserted into

See Info node `(org) References' for more on Org table field
reference format."
  (if (not (org-at-table-p))
      (error "Not in an Org table"))

  (let ((msg (cc/org-table-reference-dwim))
        (formulas-buffer (get-buffer "*Edit Formulas*")))
    (if formulas-buffer
        (with-current-buffer formulas-buffer
          (insert cc/last-org-table-reference)))
    (message "Range: %s, Copied %s" msg cc/last-org-table-reference)
    (kill-new cc/last-org-table-reference)))

(defun cc/mouse-copy-org-table-reference-dwim ()
  "Copy Org table reference (field or range) into kill ring via mouse.

Given a point or region defined in an Org table, add to the
`kill-ring' an Org table field or range reference.

NOTE: This function is intended to be called from a mouse menu
after `cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim' is called which will set
`cc/last-org-table-reference'. This is to work-around my lack of
clarity on region and mouse menu interaction.

If the region is defined over multiple columns, then a Calc
vector matrix is returned. See Info node `(org) Formula syntax
for Calc' for more.

If the buffer *Edit Formulas* is available (usually via
`org-table-edit-formulas'), the reference will be inserted into
it. If the point in *Edit Formulas* is at the beginning of line,
it will treat the reference as a left hand side (lhs) assignment.

See Info node `(org) References' for more on Org table field
reference format."
  (if (not (org-at-table-p))
      (error "Not in an Org table"))

  (when cc/last-org-table-reference
    (let ((msg cc/last-org-table-reference)
          (formulas-buffer (get-buffer "*Edit Formulas*")))
      (if formulas-buffer
        (with-current-buffer formulas-buffer
          (if (bolp)
              (insert (format "%s = " msg))  ; treat reference as lhs assignment
            (insert msg))))
      (message "Copied %s" msg)
      (kill-new msg))))

(defun cc/org-table-range-to-reference (range)
  "Convert RANGE object to Org table reference (field or range).

If the region is defined over multiple columns, then a Calc
vector matrix is returned. See Info node `(org) Formula syntax
for Calc' for more.

See `cc/org-table-range' for more on RANGE object."
  (let* ((start (nth 0 range))
         (end (nth 1 range))
         (a (nth 0 start))
         (b (nth 1 start))
         (c (nth 0 end))
         (d (nth 1 end))

         (r1 (apply #'min (list a c)))
         (c1 (apply #'min (list b d)))

         (r2 (apply #'max (list a c)))
         (c2 (apply #'max (list b d)))

         (rowrange (number-sequence r1 r2))
         (buflist (list)))

     ((and (= r1 r2) (= c1 c2))
      (format "@%d$%d" r1 c1 ))

     ((or (= c1 c2) (= r1 r2))
      (format "@%d$%d..@%d$%d" r1 c1 r2 c2))

      (mapc (lambda (r)
              (push (format "@%d$%d..@%d$%d" r c1 r c2) buflist))

      (format "vec(%s)"
              (string-join (reverse buflist) ", "))))))

Original Source.

AMENDED 2024-10-10: cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim and cc/mouse-copy-org-table-reference-dwim modified to insert content into table formula buffer when org-table-edit-formulas is called.

The following abridged code illustrates how one could configure their context menu to show the current Org table reference and copy it into the kill-ring if selected. See Customizing the Emacs Context Menu for more on Emacs context menus.

(defun cc/context-menu-addon-items (menu click)
  "Context menu hook function using MENU and CLICK event.

MENU - menu to be configured.
CLICK - event"
    (mouse-set-point click)
    (cc/context-menu-org-table-items menu (not (org-at-table-p)))

(defun cc/context-menu-org-table-items (menu &optional inapt)
  "Menu items to populate MENU for Org table section if INAPT nil."
  (when (not inapt)
    (easy-menu-add-item menu nil
                        ["Table Cell Info"
                         :label (cc/org-table-reference-dwim)
                         :help "Copy Org table reference (field or range) into kill ring via mouse"])))

(add-hook 'context-menu-functions #'cc/context-menu-addon-items)

Original Source.

All code running on Emacs 29.4.


The following table illustrates the result of selecting the text region between the cell with value 2 (@2$2) and the cell with value 12 (@4$4) and inserting its translated Org table reference into different formulas.

The first formula in @2$5 is just the matrix representation between 2 and 12.

The second formula takes the transpose (trn) of the first formula.

The third formula uses some matrix arithmetic to get the sum of each row of the matrix in @2$5.

#+NAME: matrix-example
| a |  b |  c |  d | result                               |
| 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 | [[2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8], [10, 11, 12]] |
| 5 |  6 |  7 |  8 | [[2, 6, 10], [3, 7, 11], [4, 8, 12]] |
| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | [9, 21, 33]                          |
#+TBLFM: @2$5=vec(@2$2..@2$4, @3$2..@3$4, @4$2..@4$4)
#+TBLFM: @3$5=trn(vec(@2$2..@2$4, @3$2..@3$4, @4$2..@4$4))
#+TBLFM: @4$5=@2$5 * [1 1 1]

Closing Thoughts

Manually dealing with Org table references is both tedious and error-prone. Automating their generation using text range selection seems like a good way to make this more bearable. If you're comfortable with Elisp, I recommend you give this code a try.

I’m considering publishing this code as a package on MELPA but I think the utility of it is high enough to merit being in Org itself. For next steps, I look forward to finding out if that is true.

Amendment 2024-10-10

In sharing this post at the 2024-10-09 Org Meetup, I was made aware by Ihor Radchenko that the point position in the special buffer (named *Edit Formulas*) created by the org-table-edit-formulas command (binding C-c ') will highlight any field or range reference. This special buffer provides context from which we can enhance the commands cc/copy-org-table-reference-dwim and cc/mouse-copy-org-table-reference-dwim to insert their results directly into it, removing the step to yank. cc/mouse-copy-org-table-reference-dwim is further enhanced to check if the point in *Edit Formulas* is also at the beginning of a line. If so, then the inserted field reference will be treated as the lhs argument of a formula. This approach can be viewed as a workaround the direct entry of a formula in a cell with the "=" character, which will only insert in the lhs a column reference.

-1:-- Referencing Org Table Cells with Text Regions (Post Charles Choi)--L0--C0--October 08, 2024 06:00 PM

Marcin Borkowski: Autoloads

I’ve known about the Emacs autoload feature for a long time, but I never bothered to read about it. I decided to fix that and finally read the relevant part of the Emacs Lisp manual. It turns out that autoloads are a pretty simple concept.
-1:-- Autoloads (Post)--L0--C0--October 07, 2024 06:56 PM

Sacha Chua: Yay Emacs 5: Tweaking my video workflow with WhisperX and subed-record

I'm tweaking my video workflow. I use Orgzly Revived on my Android phone to write the text, and I use Easy Voice Recorder to record it. Syncthing automatically copies both to my laptop. I use WhisperX to transcribe my recording, and I use a little bit of Emacs Lisp to figure out timestamps for each word. I edit this to fix errors. I can even rearrange things and get rid of umms or ahs or anything I don't want.Then I use subed-convert to turn it into a VTT file. I can tweak the start and end times by looking at the waveforms. Then I add comments with the visuals I want. I can add images, animated GIFs, or videos, and they're automatically squeezed or stretched to fit. I can also have them play at original speed. Then I set up open captions and use subed-record-compile-video. Tada!


You can watch this on YouTube, download the video, or download the audio.

View org source for this post
-1:-- Yay Emacs 5: Tweaking my video workflow with WhisperX and subed-record (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--October 07, 2024 06:16 PM

Irreal: Emacs Configuration Can Be Easy

A frequent complaint we hear from n00bs is that Emacs out of the box is unusable, that it’s really hard to configure, and so you need something like Doom to get going. Generations of Emacs users have put the lie to that. Lots of us have been starting with vanilla Emacs and configuring it to our needs for 40 years.

Over at the Emacs subreddit, permetz suggests that it’s fine to have a simple configuration that builds on default Emacs. Permetz has been using Emacs since 1983 and considers himself a power user but he has a simple config file that mostly consists of setting a few variables to adjust things to his liking.

That’s how I started. Back then I was still writing in C so I spent a bit of time getting Emacs to indent C the way I liked. As I went along I added some packages and wrote some custom Elisp for bespoke operations that no one else would need. Even so, after 16 or 17 years my init.el is still pretty small and I could easily trim it down by getting rid of stuff I no longer need or use.

Permetz’s message is don’t be afraid of starting small from vanilla Emacs and having a simple configuration. You’ll be surprisingly productive and your init.el can grow organically as your needs change.

-1:-- Emacs Configuration Can Be Easy (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 07, 2024 04:56 PM

Sacha Chua: 2024-10-07 Emacs news

Links from, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Hacker News,,,,,,, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at Thank you!

View org source for this post
-1:-- 2024-10-07 Emacs news (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--October 07, 2024 12:22 PM

TheMKat: Quick tip: Exercism - an interactive exercise platform for programmers of ALL skill levels

Exercism is interactive platform for programming exercises, which are made from volunteer work. That means that Exercism is indeed completely free to use. No subscriptions, or anything of the sort.
-1:-- Quick tip: Exercism - an interactive exercise platform for programmers of ALL skill levels (Post)--L0--C0--October 06, 2024 12:00 AM

Irreal: 🥩 Red Meat Friday: Is Lisp Syntax Boring

Wait. What? Is Lisp syntax boring? My immediate response is, “Of course it is.” That’s its strength. Lisp doesn’t have much syntax so unlike other languages you can immediately start using the language without having to worry about learning a bunch of syntax rules. Everybody who’s learned a non-Lisp language knows that a significant part of learning the language is imbibing the syntax. An advantage of Lisp is that you can mostly avoid that step.

You’d think that would be obvious to anyone with a passing familiarity with Lisp but apparently not. Aggravating_Date_315 over at the Emacs subreddit asks if anyone else finds Lisp syntax boring. Not in the sense that I do but that there’s not enough structure and sugar. He wants superfluous keywords and structure because the simplicity of Emacs is boring. He loves how easy it is to edit Elisp in Emacs but finds Lisp joyless and sterile.

The commenters were not particularly supportive although a few did offer some suggestions for dealing with the matter. My favorite was from intergalactic_llama who says, “People looking to create problems for them selves always fascinate me.”

I don’t understand how anyone could think that making something more complicated would make it more natural and fun. To me, the joy of programming is writing code to solve a problem and I have no interest in making that code more convoluted than it needs to be.

-1:-- 🥩 Red Meat Friday: Is Lisp Syntax Boring (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 04, 2024 02:24 PM

Jiewawa: Useful Emacs commands for reading

Since I started using Emacs, I’ve written hundreds of functions that I only used once and then were left to rot in the depths of my init.el.

Today I would like to share some simple commands that I wrote when I was just starting off with Emacs that I had forgotten that I had written and assumed that this was the default behaviour as it now seems to natural to me. A very small amount of the code here will be specific to evil-mode, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt it to work without.

Removing visual fluff

I like to have a clean, distraction free reading experiences in major-modes such as elfeed, eww, and nov.

I achieve this by:

  1. Centring the text in a column and increasing padding.
  2. Hiding the mode-line
  3. Hiding the cursor

Centring text

I use olivetti for centring text and have no complaints. It works seamlessly for my needs. In fact, I also enable this in Org-Mode and Markdown-Mode.

(defun my/centre-visual-fill-on ()
  ;; Centre the text in one column
  (visual-line-mode 1)
  (setq olivetti-body-width 100)
  (olivetti-mode 1))

(defun my/centre-visual-fill-off ()
  (visual-line-mode 0)
  (kill-local-variable 'olivetti-body-width)
  (olivetti-mode 0))

Hiding mode-line

I’ve seen lots of people do this one and it is useful when wanting to focus. Unlike the previous commands, this is something that I sometimes toggle so I made an interactive function too.

(defun my/kill-modeline ()
  (setq-local mode-line-format nil))

(defun my/restore-modeline ()
    (kill-local-variable 'mode-line-format))

(defun my/toggle-modeline ()
  (if (null mode-line-format)

Hiding the cursor

This is one that I don’t remember seeing anybody else do, but it’s a game changer. When I’m reading, I’m following with my eyes and I don’t care where the cursor is unless I decide that I want to highlight some text. Again, I want to be able to toggle this quickly so I wrote an interactive function too.

(defun my/hide-cursor-evil ()
  (setq-local evil-default-cursor '(ignore))
  (setq-local cursor-type nil))

(defun my/show-cursor-evil ()
  (kill-local-variable 'evil-default-cursor)
  (kill-local-variable 'cursor-type))

(defun my/toggle-cursor ()
  (if (null cursor-type)

I combine these three ideas into a simple hook that gets ran whenever I open a new buffer in one of my reading modes.

(defun my/reading-mode-hook ()
Figure 1: Screenshot showing Org Mode on the left and eww with cursor hidden on the right

Figure 1: Screenshot showing Org Mode on the left and eww with cursor hidden on the right

I’ve seen takes on the previous ideas many times while reading other Emacs users' blogs, but I haven’t seen many users describe how they move around buffers that are primarily meant to be read.

Initially I tried using a form of paging, but I found it tedious to have to scan for where I left off before I scrolled down.

Ultimately, I settled on the following logic, which was very simple to implement:

  • If the cursor is visible, move the cursor up or down one line
  • If the cursor is not visible, scroll the buffer up or down one line
(defun my-view-down ()
  (if (null cursor-type)

(defun my-view-up ()
  (if (null cursor-type)

Tying it all together

I could have come up with a minor mode for enabling this in each major mode, but I like how this reminds me of a time when I didn’t spend so long dicking about with functions that I only use once.

Here is a simple example configuration of how I have elfeed set up.

(use-package elfeed
  (elfeed-show-mode . my/reading-mode-hook))

(evil-define-key 'normal elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "j") 'my-view-down)
(evil-define-key 'normal elfeed-show-mode-map (kbd "k") 'my-view-up)
-1:-- Useful Emacs commands for reading (Post)--L0--C0--October 04, 2024 12:00 AM

Irreal: The Atkinson Hyperlegible Font

As those of you who have been around for awhile know, Irreal has a fascination with fonts for Emacs. I most recently wrote about them here. But, all those posts have been about coding fonts. Today, I want to talk about proportional fonts.

You can, of course use proportional fonts for coding but it’s mostly Rob Pike and his disciples that champion that. Still, most of use proportional fonts for everything else. Recently, Charles Choi even convinced me to write my posts in a proportional font.

This post was inspired by an article on the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font. It’s a font developed by the Braille Institute for low vision readers. Those of us without vision problems should also take notice because the font really is easy to read and, most importantly, it’s easy to distinguish among those hard to discern characters that I use to decide if a font is acceptable for programming use.

It’s usually not as important to distinguish them in a prose environment but most programmers are anal about things like that and would prefer having clarity in all the text that they read. Take a look at the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font article to see it in action and to see how well it distinguishes among all those problematic characters.

For me, one of the worst problems with proportional fonts is telling the difference between capital I (eye) and lowercase l (ell). As I write this in Emacs using my proportional font, those two letters look virtually the same. That’s a problem I wouldn’t have if I were using Inconsolata, my coding font. Atkinson Hyperlegible makes the difference clear. That alone is worth adopting the font.

You can download the font for free but the Braille Institute would appreciate a contribution. This seems like a great font and is worth a contribution to help the Institute in their work.

-1:-- The Atkinson Hyperlegible Font (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 03, 2024 03:43 PM

Summer Emacs: Open with EWW


No! Not ewwwwwwwww! But EWW (or eww). It's the text browser which comes in Emacs, and it's fantastic for quickly reading articles and doing even more than that.

Recently, I started using it every day. Here's a quick summary of how I work:

  1. I am reading something in Safari (usually I get it from RSS). I see a wall of text and I want to send it to Emacs instead for better viewing. OR, I come across org-mode text in Github - usually lots of helpful instructions on a package or something. Well, that belongs in Emacs too, really.
  2. I either capture the link (more below), or I'll open it directly with Emacs in EWW. Now, if I capture the link, it goes to my (I've written about this previously and I review a ton of articles every day from various places). If I'm in and it's a mostly text site (I know from the sites I visit), I can just put the pointer on the link and hit C-q o o, which gives me the choice: open in eww or safari (choice in minibuffer). Safari is my main browser but you can modify the action for your own needs. (Code below).
  3. Once you're in EWW (or eww), you can capture the entire text however you want, or portions of it. If it's an org document, you can switch to org mode and do it that way too. It's up to you. It's really great to save whole sections of Github package instructions into denote files for reference (I have a lot of these). That way, you can search your own files with context (using something like consult), before you start trying to find what you want on the web.

Here's the code to open a link in Emacs with either your preferred browser or eww:

 ;; Open link in eww or browser
 (defun open-link-at-point-or-minibuffer-with-choice ()
 "Use `consult` to select a link at point, in the buffer, from `consult-omni` results, or prompt for a URL.
 Then choose to open it in macOS default browser or eww.
 If 'eww' is chosen, the link is opened in a window that occupies 80% of the frame height below the current one."
 (let* ((url (or (thing-at-point 'url) ;; Check if there's a URL at point
 (consult--read (thing-at-point--list 'url)) ;; Use consult to select a URL from the buffer
 (consult-omni) ;; Use consult-omni results to select a link
 (read-string "Enter URL: ")))) ;; Fall back to manual URL entry
 (if url
 (let ((choice (completing-read "Open link in: " '("macOS Browser" "eww"))))
 ((string-equal choice "macOS Browser")
 (shell-command (concat "open " (shell-quote-argument url))))
 ((string-equal choice "eww")
 ;; Calculate the height for the top window (20% of the frame height)
 (let ((window (selected-window))
 (top-window-height (floor (* 0.2 (window-total-height)))))
 ;; Split window with 20% height on top and 80% height for eww on the bottom
 (select-window (split-window window top-window-height))
 (eww url)))))
 (message "No URL provided."))))

And here's a handy little bit of extra code. I've tied this to C-q w c (for window close), so I don't get a ton of eww buffers hanging around if I just want to close the article after I'm done, but it's handy for any window closing as well:

 ;; close buffer and window
 (defun close-buffer-and-window ()
 "Close the current buffer and the window it's in."
 (let ((window (selected-window)))
 (kill-buffer) ;; Kill the current buffer
 (when (window-live-p window) ;; Check if the window is still live
 (delete-window)))) ;; Delete the window if it exists

Now, like I said, I tie these to my universal key binding which is C-q for me as it's super fast and easy to type if you use Caps Lock as your Control key (which I do). But I'll leave that up to you on how you want to do that.

Here's where I got the "capture URL to inbox" setup. It's for Mac but I'm sure Linux users can mod it to suit their needs.

Mac Owner's Club: Org capture from everywhere in macOS

And here's the post where I got the "send Safari url to eww". He uses Chrome but the Mac Owners Club guy posts the Safari snippet at the bottom of the page. Also, keep in mind that you want to take -c out of the Applescript if you want it to appear in the existing frame, or it'll create a new frame when it opens up eww with the link.

Github: agzam/send-browser-urls-to-emacs-eww

I want to thank those guys because it's made Emacs and MacOS even better than ever before. 🙃

And since I just posted it on Mastodon, I'll include this really nice link of text-based sites for different kinds of sources (NPR, CNN, NYT, and other places including tech ones):

Greycoder: A List Of Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites

Remember: with any page in eww, you can just use Emacs Bookmarks to get to it immediately again. So if you want to check NYT articles daily or even a few times a day, just head to that portal, bookmark it with like nyt and then use that as your instant news source for them. Get into the habit of using bookmarks, people! (Thank you for reminding me of this use, Fade@libera).

That's all for today!


-1:-- Open with EWW (Post)--L0--C0--October 01, 2024 11:00 PM

Irreal: File And Directory Creation In Dired

One of the activities that Irreal encourages is the sanding down of friction points. Despite that, I’m almost always surprised when I do automate some routine task and wonder why I waited so long to do it. If you’ve been around Irreal for a while, you’ve seen me write about that several times.

Over at dyerdwelling there’s a handy post on how to sand down one set of friction points. His particular friction point is creating directories and files from within Dired. That’s possible, of course, but the various completion engines can trip you up but substituting your choice for an existing file or directory with a name that matches in the fuzzy sense.

His solution is to define two new functions that ask for the directory or file name without invoking completion. The code is simple, short, and easy to understand. If you use Dired to creat files and directories, take a look at this post

-1:-- File And Directory Creation In Dired (Post jcs)--L0--C0--October 01, 2024 04:11 PM

James Dyer: Syncing Tab Theme After Theme Load

Previously I wrote about the incompatibility of some Emacs themes with the tab-bar and my temporary fix:

Syncing Tab Bar To Theme

The tab bar was introduced in Emacs 27.1, during which I created a function to apply some simple logic to make the tabs look moderately decent and fit in with the new theme. The only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to activate the function after a theme load, as there didn’t seem to be a hook.

Well, actually there does seem to be such a hook and it seems to have gone into Emacs 29. As with a lot of these little tweaks I found this on reddit in the emacs subreddit:

From my previous post I wrote :

Now that the defun is available, how to activate it? My first thought was to add a hook for when a theme is loaded, but there doesn’t seem to be such a feature!? I also tried advising around `load-theme`, but that didn’t go well either, it worked for themes that were not loaded, but for those that were, a change in state was not detected, and the tab theme tweak was not applied.

The solution is to simply add the following to your init file. Now that I know about this, I might even find some other use for it.

(defun my/after-theme-loaded(theme)

(add-hook 'enable-theme-functions 'my/after-theme-loaded)

with the original my/sync-tab-bar-to-theme as follows:

(defun my/sync-tab-bar-to-theme ()
  "Synchronize tab-bar faces with the current theme."
  (let ((default-bg (face-background 'default))
        (default-fg (face-foreground 'default))
        (inactive-fg (face-foreground 'mode-line-inactive))) ;; Fallback to mode-line-inactive
     `(tab-bar ((t (:inherit default :background ,default-bg :foreground ,default-fg))))
     `(tab-bar-tab ((t (:inherit default :background ,default-fg :foreground ,default-bg))))
     `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((t (:inherit default :background ,default-bg :foreground ,inactive-fg)))))))

My tab theme fix is now activated on every theme load, and I no longer have to rely on muscle memory to make Emacs look colour-coherent when changing themes, which I do a lot!! 😀

-1:-- Syncing Tab Theme After Theme Load (Post James Dyer)--L0--C0--October 01, 2024 08:50 AM

Arne Bahlo: We need more zero config tools

It just works. — Steve Jobs

If you follow this blog, you’ll know that I’m doing a series called “Emacs Config From Scratch”1. Emacs is an editor operating system, where you can configure and customize literally everything. I like that you can truly make it yours, but it’s a lot of work to get there.

Recently, I’ve become fond of (command line) tools that just work, out of the box2. This blogpost is an ode to them.


Julia Evans recently posted Reasons I still love the fish shell, and the first point she makes is “no configuration”.

Things that require plugins and lots of code in shells like ZSH, like autosuggestions, are included and configured by default in fish. At the time of writing this, my fish config has less than 31 loc, most of which are abbreviations.

I have two fish plugins configured: z for jumping to a directory, and hydro as my shell prompt. Neither need configuration.


My Neovim config had 21 external plugins. Making LSP, tree-sitter and formatting work took a while (LSP alone needs 3 plugins) and in the end there were still things that didn’t work.

I’ve switched to Helix, which can do so much out of the box, here’s a non-exhaustive list:

  • LSP (including autocompletion, show signature, go to definition, show references, etc.) just works
  • Tree-sitter is built in, you can even do selections on tree-sitter objects
  • A file picker and global search
  • Pressing a key in normal mode shows subsequent keys you can press, and what they do
  • You can jump to any visible word, add/remove/replace quotes or other characters
  • … and so much more

The config for the code editor I use all day is 5 loc. Here it is:

theme = "kanagawa"

line-number = "relative"
cursorline = true
rulers = [80]

I will say that it takes some getting used to as it folows the selection -> action model, i.e. you need to run wd instead of dw to delete the next word.


After raving about Magit in London, my team showed me Lazygit and I’ve been using it ever since—it’s really good and it does exactly what you want it to do, without configuration3.

You can toggle different screen modes, panes adjust in size when active and pretty much everything you want to do is only a few keystrokes away.


A batteries-included Tmux alternative, Zellij doesn’t need any configuration to work well. You can set up Layouts without additional plugins (although there is a plugin system) and I’m generally not missing anything from my Tmux configuration.

My favorite feature is the floating panes. Press Ctrl + p, w to toggle a pane floating on top of everything else—I often use this for Lazygit.

What else?

Here are some tools you have sent me that are zero/minimal config:

  • Matthew shared Broot, a new way to see and navigate directory trees
  • Ilija shared k9s, a CLI to maange Kubernetes clusters
  • Alexander shared Orbiton, a text editor they built

Do you have a tool that requires no (or minimal) configuration? Send me an email and I’ll add it to the list!

And if you’re building something, please strive to make the default experience work really well for most people.

  1. Check it out

  2. I’m starting to feel the same about programming languages and external dependencies, but that’s a different post.

  3. You can configure almost everything—but you don’t need to.

-1:-- We need more zero config tools (Post Arne Bahlo)--L0--C0--October 01, 2024 12:00 AM

Irreal: Emacs Has No Learning Curve

Paul E. Johnson is a member of the Political Science Department at the University of Kansas. As such, he’s not a canonical Emacs user but he has a provacative set of slides that suggests that, in fact, Emacs doesn’t have a steep learning curve. Or, at least, it needn’t have one.

His thesis is that one can use Emacs with more or less “standard” keybindings by using the arrow and other special purpose keys and by turning on CUA mode to make Emacs input more like “modern” apps.

That’s all true, of course, but it strikes me as riding a bicycle with training wheels. Yes, you can ride around and do bicycle-like things but you can’t really call yourself a bicycle rider. Even Johnson recognizes this and notes that you’re going to want to learn at least some of those native Emacs commands.

When I learned to ride a bike, I didn’t use training wheels and I don’t recommend them for new Emacs users either. Sometimes you just need to grasp the nettle and push through the pain. The benefit is that at the other end you can ride a bike or use Emacs well.

Still, Johnson has a point. It’s possible to start using Emacs without having to learn all those bespoke keybindings. The question is whether that’s the best path forward. I think not but obviously others disagree and I’m willing to stipulate that they may be right, at least for some people.

-1:-- Emacs Has No Learning Curve (Post jcs)--L0--C0--September 30, 2024 02:58 PM

Sacha Chua: 2024-09-30 Emacs news

Links from, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Hacker News,,,,,,, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at Thank you!

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-1:-- 2024-09-30 Emacs news (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--September 30, 2024 02:02 PM

Irreal: Emacs Popups In macOS

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Protesilaos Stavrou’s excellent post on triggering an Emacs popup from anywhere in your system. It’s perfect for Org capture and other things you might want to do when you’re in some other app. I have something similar specialized to Org capture and Phil in the comments said he also has a few bespoke popups. The advantage of Prot’s framework is that it’s easy to invoke any Emacs command from outside of Emacs.

Grant Rosson liked the idea but found that Prot’s Linux based code didn’t port directly to macOS and he presented the code for the minimal changes required to get things working on a Mac. Despite what some folks seem to think, Mac users are a significant portion of the Emacs community so his changes are welcome for those of us using macOS.

Rosson gives some examples of commands other than Org capture that may give you some ideas. What I really like about Prot’s and Rosson’s frameworks is that they help you move as many chores as possible into Emacs. A lot of that simply boils down to being able to enter text in a reasonable—by which I mean Emacs—environment.

If you’re a Mac user and interested in being able to popup a temporary Emacs frame to do whatever you need to do, take a look at Prot’s video and Rosson’s post. You’ll be glad you did.

-1:-- Emacs Popups In macOS (Post jcs)--L0--C0--September 29, 2024 03:14 PM

Sacha Chua: Using Emacs Lisp to export TXT/EPUB/PDF from Org Mode to the Supernote via Browse and Access

I've been experimenting with the Supernote's Browse and Access feature because I want to be able to upload files quickly instead of waiting for Dropbox to synchronize. First, I want to store the IP address in a variable:

(defvar my-supernote-ip-address "")

Here's how to upload:

(defun my-supernote-upload (filename &optional supernote-path)
  (interactive "FFile: ")
  (setq supernote-path (or supernote-path "/INBOX"))
  (let* ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary '()))
         (url-request-method "POST")
          `(("Content-Type" . ,(format "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" boundary))))
           `(("file" . (("name" . "file")
                        ("filename" . ,(file-name-nondirectory filename))
                        ("content-type" . "application/octet-stream")
                        ("filedata" . ,(with-temp-buffer
                                         (insert-file-contents-literally filename)
                                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))))
         (format "http://%s:8089%s" my-supernote-ip-address supernote-path))
      (re-search-backward "^$")
      (prog1 (json-read)

HTML isn't supported. Text works, but it doesn't support annotation. PDF or EPUB could work. It would make sense to register this as an export backend so that I can call it as part of the usual export process.

(defun my-supernote-org-upload-as-text (&optional async subtree visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  "Export Org format, but save it with a .txt extension."
  (interactive (list nil current-prefix-arg))
  (let ((filename (org-export-output-file-name ".txt" subtree))
        (text (org-export-as 'org subtree visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
    ;; consider copying instead of exporting so that #+begin_export html etc. is preserved
    (with-temp-file filename
      (insert text))
    (my-supernote-upload filename)))

(defun my-supernote-org-upload-as-pdf (&optional async subtree visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  (interactive (list nil current-prefix-arg))
  (my-supernote-upload (org-latex-export-to-pdf async subtree visible-only body-only ext-plist)))

(defun my-supernote-org-upload-as-epub (&optional async subtree visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  (interactive (list nil current-prefix-arg))
  (my-supernote-upload (org-epub-export-to-epub async subtree visible-only ext-plist)))

    'supernote nil
    :menu-entry '(?s "Supernote"
                     ((?s "as PDF" my-supernote-org-upload-as-pdf)
                      (?e "as EPUB" my-supernote-org-upload-as-epub)
                      (?o "as Org" my-supernote-org-upload-as-text))))

Adding this line to my Org file allows me to use \spacing{1.5} for 1.5 line spacing, so I can write in more annotations..

#+LATEX_HEADER+: \usepackage{setspace}

Sometimes I use custom blocks for HTML classes. When LaTeX complains about undefined environments, I can define them like this:

#+LATEX_HEADER+: \newenvironment{whatever_my_custom_environment_is_called}

Now I can export a subtree or file to my Supernote for easy review.

I wonder if multimodal AI models can handle annotated images with editing marks…

This is part of my Emacs configuration.
View org source for this post
-1:-- Using Emacs Lisp to export TXT/EPUB/PDF from Org Mode to the Supernote via Browse and Access (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--September 29, 2024 12:27 PM

J.e.r.e.m.y B.r.y.a.n.t: Emacs display code on TTY

The display code in Emacs includes many optimizations. In this article I explore some of the comments and code in the Emacs source. There are indeed a lot of detailed comments in this part of the code. We start with a small part related to TTY. (...)
-1:-- Emacs display code on TTY (Post)--L0--C0--September 28, 2024 09:15 PM

Irreal: Why Emacs: The View From Vim

As every Irreal surely knows, I’m a die hard Emacs user but I was, for a long time, a Vim user and still consider it one of the two best editors. It’s long been my view that Emacs and Vim serve two different constituencies and aren’t really the same type of application. The TL;DR is that Vim is for people who want a small, fast, editor that excels at editing and doesn’t bother with anything else. Emacs, on the other hand, is for people who want a unified operating environment that—sort of—recapitulates the Lisp Machines.

Nicholas Bernstein is a committed Vi/Vim user who more or less agrees with me. Like me, he thinks that Vi/Vim and Emacs are distinct types of applications that serve different needs. He has a nice nice video that discusses this and makes the case that Emacs is all about providing a consistent interface for text based applications.

I think that that’s true but doesn’t tell the entire truth about Emacs. Yes, it does provide a consistent interface for text but it offers much more. It is, as I’ve often said, a light weight Lisp Machine that provides an integrating environment for all your computing needs. If you’re happy with a text-centric browser, Emacs can be the center of all your needs. Even if, like me, you use a standard browser for the dealing with the Web, Emacs can still provide almost everything else.

As I’ve said before, I spend almost all my time in either Emacs or Safari. I have to say, it’s a pretty nice environment. Bernstein makes the same case from the point of view of a Vi/Vim user.

-1:-- Why Emacs: The View From Vim (Post jcs)--L0--C0--September 28, 2024 03:11 PM

localauthor: Emacs Popup Frames Anywere — MacOS Edition

This post shows how to set up Emacs popup frames in macOS, allowing quick access to Emacs functions from anywhere on your system.


As much as I would like to live in Emacs full time, I’m not quite there. But a recent post by Protesilaos Stavrou (aka Prot) is helping me bridge the gap.

Prot has written a short but powerful bit of code that allows you to access any piece of Emacs goodness — like org-capture — from outside Emacs with just one keystroke. The only requirement is that you are running in server-mode or using the Emacs daemon.

Whether you’re in a web browser, a PDF reader, or just staring at an empty desktop, your favorite Emacs command can be right at your fingertips. See Prot’s video for a thorough demonstration.

Now, I can quickly open a PDF using citar or copy a password from my pass-store. See below for some other useful popups — org-agenda view, mu4e inbox, and a quick translation interface.

Setting Up Emacs Popup Frames in MacOS

Since Prot wrote the code for use in Linux, it didn’t immediately work in MacOS. It turns out, the only necessary change was to add a window-system frame parameter to the popup frame. (See code below).

But while I was at it, I made a few additions: 1) a title frame parameter, which allows me to configure the popup frame size and placement through my tiling window manager, yabai; and 2) an optional argument that runs delete-frame after the main command runs. This makes it possible to call commands that are minibuffer-centric — in my case, that’s citar-open-file and password-store-copy.

Here’s the main code:

(defun popup-frame-delete (&rest _)
  "Kill selected frame if it has parameter `popup-frame'."
  (when (frame-parameter nil 'popup-frame))

(defmacro popup-frame-define (command title &optional delete-frame)
  "Define interactive function to call COMMAND in frame with TITLE."
  `(defun ,(intern (format "popup-frame-%s" command)) ()
     (let* ((display-buffer-alist '(("")
       (frame (make-frame
               '((title . ,title)
                 (window-system . ns)
                 (popup-frame . t)))))
     (select-frame frame)
     (switch-to-buffer " popup-frame-hidden-buffer")
     (condition-case nil
           (call-interactively ',command)
       (error (delete-frame frame)))
     (when ,delete-frame
       (sit-for 0.2)
       (delete-frame frame))))

(use-package server
  :defer 1
  (unless (server-running-p)

And here are the macro calls that define commands:

(popup-frame-define org-capture "capture-popup")
(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook #'popup-frame-delete)

(popup-frame-define password-store-copy "minimal-popup" 'delete-frame)

(popup-frame-define citar-open-files "minimal-popup" 'delete-frame)

Triggering Popups with Keyboard Shortcuts

To quickly bring up these popup frames with keyboard shortcuts, I use skhd, a hotkey daemon for macOS. The following configuration goes in the skhd config file:

cmd + ctrl - c : emacsclient -e '(popup-frame-org-capture)' || yabai -m window --focus recent
cmd + ctrl - o : emacsclient -e '(popup-frame-citar-open-files)' || yabai -m window --focus recent
cmd + ctrl - p : emacsclient -e '(popup-frame-password-store-copy)' || yabai -m window --focus recent

Managing Windows with yabai

Finally, I have configured my tiling window manager, yabai, to give the popup frames the desired size and placement.

First, the following goes in the yabai config file:

yabai -m signal --add event=window_created app="Emacs" action="~/"

This will run a bash script (located at ~/ every time a new Emacs frame is created. The script tells yabai how to move and resize the new frame, depending on the frame’s title. Here is that script:


data=$(yabai -m query --windows --window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID)

title=$(echo $data | jq .title)
display=$(echo $data | jq .display)

if [[ $title =~ "capture-popup" && $display == 1 ]]; then
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --toggle float --move abs:430:230
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --resize abs:655:300
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --focus
[[ $title =~ "minimal-popup" && $display == 1 ]]; then
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --toggle float --move abs:430:230
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --resize abs:655:200
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --focus

Additional Custom Commands

In some cases, an Emacs command will work nicely in a popup frame right out of the box. A good case in point is org-capture. In other cases, I have needed to write my own custom commands. Here a few:

Google Translate Interface

(defun my/translate ()
  (let ((choice
         (completing-read "Select: " '("EN->LT" "LT->EN"))))
    (cond ((string= choice "EN->LT")
          ((string= choice "LT->EN")

(popup-frame-define my/translate "minimal-popup")

Unread Emails in mu4e

(defun my/mu4e-unread ()
  (mu4e 'background)
   (mu4e-get-bookmark-query ?u)))

(popup-frame-define my/org-agenda "large-popup")

For this, I add another “elif” to the bash script, to ensure I can see the whole inbox in the popup:

[[ $title =~ "large-popup" && $display == 1 ]]; then
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --toggle float --move abs:350:130
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --resize abs:730:600
yabai -m window $YABAI_WINDOW_ID --focus

Custom Org-Agenda View

(defun my/org-agenda (&optional p)
  (interactive "P")
  (org-agenda p "d")

(popup-frame-define my/org-agenda "large-popup")

Just don’t forget to add a system-wide keyboard shortcut for each new command!

-1:-- Emacs Popup Frames Anywere — MacOS Edition (Post)--L0--C0--September 28, 2024 08:15 AM

Anand Tamariya: HTML Renderer


An Elisp implementation of HTML table rendering using SVG.

Note: The entry point is shr-render.

Sample Table

    <table border="1">
      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
        <th style="text-align:left">Title</th>
        <th style="text-align:left">Artist</th>
        <td>Empire Burlesque</td>
        <td>Bob Dylan</td>




-1:-- HTML Renderer (Post Anand Tamariya ( 27, 2024 03:46 AM

Sacha Chua: Include inline SVGs in Org Mode HTML and Markdown exports

  • [2024-10-14 Mon]: Fixed path when inlining file URLs.
  • [2024-10-07 Mon]: Now I can specify #+ATTR_HTML :data-link t to make it link instead of include.
  • [2024-09-26 Thu]: Whoops, forgot to make sure ox-11ty is also covered.

In my Org Mode HTML and Markdown exports, I usually want to include SVGs inline so that I can use links. Sometimes I also want to use Javascript and CSS to modify elements within the images. I used to use a my-include: link to do this, but I realized that I can also modify this behaviour by making my own functions that call org-html-link or org-md-link and then put those functions in org-export-backend-transcoders.

Here is an example of an SVG:

g Graphviz Graphviz Org Mode Org Mode Graphviz->Org Mode SVG HTML HTML Org Mode->HTML Markdown Markdown Org Mode->Markdown

The following code overrides HTML and Markdown exports to include SVGs.

(defun my-ox-link-path (link _ info)
  (let* ((raw-path (org-element-property :path link)))
    (setq raw-path
           (org-publish-file-relative-name raw-path info)))
    ;; Possibly append `:html-link-home' to relative file
    ;; name.
    (let ((home (and (plist-get info :html-link-home)
                     (org-trim (plist-get info :html-link-home)))))
      (when (and home
                 (plist-get info :html-link-use-abs-url)
                 (not (file-name-absolute-p raw-path)))
        (setq raw-path (concat (file-name-as-directory home) raw-path))))

(defun my-org-html-link (link desc info)
  (if (and
       (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
       (not (plist-get (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html (org-element-parent-element link))
       (org-export-inline-image-p link (plist-get info :html-inline-image-rules)))
      (let ((path (org-element-property :path link)))
        (if (string= (file-name-extension path) "svg")
              (insert-file-contents-literally path)
          (org-html-link link desc info)))
    (org-html-link link desc info)))

(defun my-org-md-link (link desc info)
  (if (and (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
           (not (plist-get (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html (org-element-parent-element link))
      (let ((path (org-element-property :path link)))
        (if (string= (file-name-extension path) "svg")
              (insert-file-contents-literally path)
          (org-md-link link desc info)))
    (org-md-link link desc info)))

(defun my-org-11ty-link (link desc info)
  (if (and (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
           (not (plist-get (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html (org-element-parent-element link))
      (let ((path (org-element-property :path link)))
        (if (string= (file-name-extension path) "svg")
              (insert-file-contents-literally path)
          (org-11ty-link link desc info)))
    (org-11ty-link link desc info)))

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-html
   (alist-get 'link (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend 'html)))
(with-eval-after-load 'ox-md
   (alist-get 'link (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend 'md)))
(with-eval-after-load 'ox-11ty
   (alist-get 'link (org-export-backend-transcoders (org-export-get-backend '11ty)))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
View org source for this post
-1:-- Include inline SVGs in Org Mode HTML and Markdown exports (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--September 26, 2024 04:54 PM

Sacha Chua: org-attaching the latest image from my Supernote via Browse and Access

[2024-09-29 Sun]: Use sketch links when possible. Recolor before cropping so that the grid is removed.

2024-09-26-01 Supernote A5X Browse and Access %23supernote.png
Figure 1: Diagram of different ways to get drawings off my Supernote A5X
Text from sketch

Supernote A5X

  • Screen mirroring (pixelated) -> Puppeteer screenshot (or maybe .mjpeg?)
  • Browse & Access (HTTP) -> latest file: recognize text, recolor, crop, upload?
  • Dropbox/Google Drive (slow) -> batch process: recognize text, recolor, upload

Bonus: Autocropping encourages me to just get stuff out there even if I haven't filled a page

ideas: remove template automatically? I wonder if I can use another color…


I want to quickly get drawings from my Supernote A5X into Emacs so that I can include them in blog posts. Dropbox/Google Drive sync is slow because it synchronizes all the files. The Supernote can mirror its screen as an .mjpeg stream. I couldn't figure out how to grab a frame from that, but I did find out how to use Puppeteer to take an screenshot of the Supernote's screen mirror. Still, the resulting image is a little pixelated. If I turn on Browse and Access, the Supernote can serve directories and files as webpages. This lets me grab the latest file and process it. I don't often have time to fill a full A5 page with thoughts, so autocropping the image encourages me to get stuff out there instead of holding on to things.

(defvar my-supernote-ip-address "")
(defun my-supernote-get-exported-files ()
  (let ((data (plz 'get (format "http://%s:8089/EXPORT" my-supernote-ip-address)))
    (when (string-match "const json = '\\(.*\\)'" data)
       (alist-get 'fileList (json-parse-string (match-string 1 data) :object-type 'alist :array-type 'list))
       :key (lambda (o) (alist-get 'date o))
       :lessp 'string<
       :reverse t))))

(defun my-supernote-org-attach-latest-exported-file ()
  ;; save the file to the screenshot directory
  (let ((info (car (my-supernote-get-exported-files)))
    ;; delete matching files
    (setq new-file (expand-file-name
                    (replace-regexp-in-string " " "%20" (alist-get 'name info) (org-attach-dir))))
    (when (file-exists-p new-file)
      (delete-file new-file))
     (format "http://%s:8089%s" my-supernote-ip-address
             (alist-get 'uri info))
    (setq new-file (my-latest-file (org-attach-dir)))
    ;; recolor
    (my-sketch-recolor-png new-file)
    ;; autocrop that image
    (my-image-autocrop new-file)
    ;; possibly rename
    (setq renamed (my-image-recognize-get-new-filename new-file))
    (when renamed
      (setq renamed (expand-file-name renamed (org-attach-dir)))
      (rename-file new-file renamed t)
      (my-image-store renamed) ; file it in my archive
      (setq new-file renamed))
    ;; use a sketch link if it has an ID
    (if (string-match "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] "
                      (file-name-base renamed))
        (org-insert-link nil (concat "sketchFull:" (file-name-base renamed)))
      ;; insert the link
      (org-insert-link nil (concat "attachment:" (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "%23" (file-name-nondirectory new-file)))))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
View org source for this post
-1:-- org-attaching the latest image from my Supernote via Browse and Access (Post Sacha Chua)--L0--C0--September 26, 2024 12:25 PM

Irreal: Emacs Doc Bling

As most of you know, Irreal doesn’t think much of editor-connected bling. We much prefer simple efficiency to flashy accouterments that, in the end, simply get in the way of a decent editing experience. That’s true even though they can, arguably, make it easier to get started with a new editor.

It feels a little odd, then, to be writing favorably about these reformatted Emacs documents that, while they have the same content as the official documents, have been reformatted to look a bit nicer and, more importantly, be easier to navigate. It’s probably not accurate to describes the results as “bling” especially since the point of the change is better navigation.

The two major changes are a sidebar that essentially recapitulates the table of contents so that it’s easy to get an overall view of the document and an improved search function that makes parsing the search results easier.

Irreal does think that these documents are a worthwhile addition to the Emacs document stack and wouldn’t object if, arguendo, they were adopted by GNU. Still, the Irreal bunker is probably going to continue to use the “official” documents but doesn’t object if others make a different choice.

The documents that are available are:

  • The GNU Emacs Manual
  • The GNU Elisp Reference Manual
  • The Org Manual
  • The AUCTeX Manual
  • The Magit Manual

Take a look at one or more of them and see what you think.

-1:-- Emacs Doc Bling (Post jcs)--L0--C0--September 25, 2024 05:45 PM

James Dyer: Simple Directory and File Creation in Dired

Today I’ll simply delve into two custom functions that I’ve had in my init file for quite some time, my/dired-create-directory and my/dired-create-empty-file

I use them frequently enough that I thought they were worth mentioning and they augment my dired workflow when mapped to dired-mode-map keybindings.

For many years I would create a new file or folder in one of two ways, through the command line, or a GUI file explorer (with either a click in or bound F2 to edit the name), Emacs comes with it’s own directory manager so why not augment it with these features?

What about find-file I hear you say?, just press C-x C-f. This will prompt for a filename using the current directory of the current buffer and if you type a unique name it will create the file for you. Unfortunately though this will not always work in a simple predictable manner when the minibuffer completion mechanism kicks in.


This custom function simplifies creating a new directory by prompting for a name in the minibuffer, bypassing the default completion mechanism to avoid unwanted name suggestions.

(defun my/dired-create-directory ()
  "Wrapper to dired-create-directory to avoid minibuffer completion."
  (let ((search-term
          (read-from-minibuffer "Dir : ")))
    (dired-create-directory search-term)))
  • Purpose: This function is a wrapper around the dired-create-directory function, designed to avoid the potential confusion of minibuffer completion and directly ask for the directory name.
  • Usage: When invoked, it prompts the user to input a directory name and creates it using the dired-create-directory function.


Similarly, this custom function facilitates the creation of an empty file by asking for the filename in the minibuffer without the default completion.

(defun my/dired-create-empty-file ()
  "Wrapper to dired-create-empty-file to avoid minibuffer completion."
  (let ((search-term
          (read-from-minibuffer "File : ")))
    (dired-create-empty-file search-term)))
  • Purpose: This function wraps around dired-create-empty-file, providing a straightforward prompt for creating a new file.
  • Usage: When triggered, it asks the user to input a file name and then creates an empty file with that name.

These functions are bound to dired-mode-map as follows:

  • _: Create an empty file using my/dired-create-empty-file
  • +: Create a new directory using my/dired-create-directory

This gives me a good ergonomic LShift+<Right hand of number row> combination and is therefore not too taxing on the hands and each key command are just next to each-other to emphasize their similar nature.

In addition the dired mode map keybinding for creating a new directory is bound to + so there is consistency there too.

I suspect there are probably many other ways to achieve this functionality in Emacs, in this case I am specifically relying on dired function calls here but there is also the make-directory function and the shell-command for example if you want to drop in to using the operating systems tool set.

-1:-- Simple Directory and File Creation in Dired (Post James Dyer)--L0--C0--September 24, 2024 07:00 PM

Srijan Choudhary: 2024-09-24-001

#Emacs #TIL : I learned about save-interprogram-paste-before-kill - which saves the existing system clipboard text into the kill ring before replacing it. This ensures that Emacs kill operations do not irrevocably overwrite existing clipboard text.

A common workflow for me is to copy some text from a different application and paste it inside Emacs. But, if I want to first delete a word or region to replace, the deleted word or region goes to the system clipboard and replaces my copied text. This config saves the previous entry in the system clipboard so I can do a C-p after paste to choose the previous paste.

Syndicated to:

-1:-- 2024-09-24-001 (Post Srijan Choudhary)--L0--C0--September 24, 2024 05:20 PM

Irreal: Casual EditKit

Charles Choi has another Casual app on offer. This time it’s a comprehensive set of menus, Casual EditKit, that capture the various editing commands. On the one hand, these are commands that you really need to know to become proficient with Emacs. On the other hand, as Choi says, the menus serve as a means of discovering those commands.

The problem is that Emacs has such a rich set of commands for editing text that it can be hard to learn them or even know that they exist. For example, I am always seeing comments from people expressing surprise about the transpose-chars and transpose-words commands. I use them everyday and wouldn’t want to live without them, yet there are lots of folks who don’t even know they exist. There are a bunch of other transpose commands that I don’t have bound but that I know exist so I can invoke them—with the help of fuzzy command completion—as named commands when I need them.

This all works because I know these commands exist and it’s not hard for me to invoke them even if I don’t remember their bindings or they have none. The advantage of Choi’s Casual EditKit is that helps you discover these commands and once you know they exist, they’re easy to invoke even if you can’t remember all the details.

Choi just announced Casual EditKit so I obviously don’t have any experience with it but my snap judgment is that its main benefit is teaching a new user what editing commands are available. But, in the long run, every user is going to have to learn those commands. Still, I suppose the menus could be useful for little used commands such as, say, the rectangle commands.

In any event, Casual EditKit is a welcome addition to Choi’s wonderful collection of Emacs menus.

-1:-- Casual EditKit (Post jcs)--L0--C0--September 24, 2024 03:41 PM

Charles Choi: Announcing Casual EditKit

An old joke of Emacs is that it’s a great operating system in need of a good text editor. In truth, Emacs is unmatched in its commands for editing, offering many different commands for editing words, sentences, paragraphs, balanced expressions (sexps) and functions (defuns). The problem is knowing beforehand that such a command that you could use exists.

Casual EditKit is an Emacs package designed to surface these editing commands in a usable way by organizing them into keyboard-driven menus. Casual EditKit is now available on MELPA.

Among the editing and editing-related menus Casual EditKit provides are those for:

  • Register commands
  • Rectangle commands
  • Editing commands for words, sentences, paragraphs, and balanced expressions, and functions
    • Marking
    • Copying
    • Killing
    • Moving
    • Transposing
    • Transforming
    • Deleting
    • Sorting
  • Window management
    • Creating
    • Moving
    • Deleting
  • Search & Replace commands
  • Open commands
  • Project commands
  • Bookmark commands
  • Tool commands
  • Macro commands

Shown below is a reference menu (casual-editkit-main-tmenu) designed to demonstrate all of the above menus. Use it to get an immediate feel for what Casual EditKit offers.

As editing is such a personal experience, Casual EditKit can be considered a library of menus from which a bespoke solution can be crafted. Motivated readers comfortable with Elisp are encouraged to review the Casual EditKit README file and study its source code to make their own customized menus.

Moving Text with Pinned Menus

In many ways, Casual EditKit can be seen as a continuation of my earlier work to move text elegantly. In that post, I posited that instrumenting mouse menus (both main and context) to access text movement commands was ideal for recognition. However, as mouse menus in Emacs cannot be "pinned" to stay persistent, this discourages repeated behavior. Transient menus however can be "pinned". This allows for behavior like moving text (word, sentence, paragraph, etc.) forwards or backwards in an interactive fashion.

Closing Thoughts

Knowing how to use the editing commands in Emacs is a superpower. That knowledge used to be hard won. Casual EditKit now makes this less so.

As Casual EditKit is new, feedback is welcome. Please share your thoughts on it at the discussion group.

Finally, if you have benefited from using Casual EditKit or any of the Casual packages (now counting at 12!), please consider buying me a coffee to help in their development and maintenance. It would be greatly appreciated.

-1:-- Announcing Casual EditKit (Post Charles Choi)--L0--C0--September 23, 2024 07:00 PM

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